
Plastic Surgery for Men – What Do You Need to Know?

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

3 Minute Read: 

man preparing for plastic surgery For many years, the plastic surgery industry was entirely focused on and marketed to a female audience.

And while the vast majority of plastic surgery procedures are still performed on women, men are starting to feel more comfortable turning towards the knife to enhance their aesthetic appearance.

In the last decade, the number of male procedures has increased by over 200,000 with over 1.3 million cosmetic procedures performed in 2018.

What Plastic Surgery Procedures Do Men Prefer?

Although it is not a new concept, it is becoming more common for men to admit that they care about their physical appearance and are willing to consider surgery to achieve their aesthetic goals.

What Is Male Facelift Surgery?

Female facelift surgery targets fine lines, wrinkles, and jowls. Male facelift surgery also addresses fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss but also highlights angular definition and youthful contours in the jawline, chin, and neck.

Male facelift surgery is performed by tightening and securing the underlying facial tissues and trimming excess skin from the lower two-thirds of the face. Incisions are hidden in the hairline and natural creases in front of the ear.

What Is Male Eyelid Surgery?

Much like female eyelid surgery, male eyelid surgery opens up the eye by removing skin and fat pockets from the upper and lower eyelid.

This surgical procedure is ideal for men with significant sun damage who are looking to restore youthfulness to their upper face.

What Is Male Liposuction?

Men often develop fat pockets on the abdomen, chest, neck, thighs, and love handles that do not respond to diet and exercise. Liposuction removes these fat pockets to reveal a more chiseled, athletic physique.

What Is Male Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Many women choose tummy tuck surgery following the negative effects of pregnancy. Men do not experience those same issues.

Instead, most men who choose tummy tuck surgery do so following significant weight loss to remove the excess skin on the abdomen that resulted from that loss.

What Is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia—more commonly referred to as man boobs—is the development of excess breast tissue in men. While some men can eliminate this excess with weight loss, other men require a surgical fix.

Gynecomastia surgery reduces the size of the male breast, restoring firmness.

How Does Male Plastic Surgery Differ From Female Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery for men does not differ that much from plastic surgery for women.

Although face and body contours are different between men and women—and the surgeries are tailored towards achieving those desired contours—the surgical techniques are the same regardless of whether they are being performed on a man or a woman.

Since plastic surgery uses universal concepts and techniques, men can feel confident that their surgery procedure will be safe, effective, and exactly what they are looking for.

How Will My Male Plastic Surgery Change My Life?

Plastic surgery is not a quick fix, nor will it eradicate all of your aesthetic concerns.

Plastic surgery enhances and strengthens your natural face and body contours and, when used appropriately, can promote confidence and a positive self-image.

Results from your plastic surgery, whether it is from a facelift, blepharoplasty, neck lift, liposuction, or tummy tuck surgery, require maintenance in the form of a healthy lifestyle. You should maintain a stable weight, stay out of the sun, and moisturize your skin to prolong its strength and elasticity.

How Can I Learn More About Male Plastic Surgery?

If you are interested in learning more about any of the above procedures, contact Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form.

Would a Liquid Facelift Work for You?

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

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Some women and men are turning away from the surgical facelift and instead are opting for what has become known as the liquid facelift.

What is a Liquid facelift?

A liquid facelift is a combination procedure that uses dermal fillers and other injectable treatments to mimic the results of a surgical facelift.


A woman undergoes dermal fillers and other injectable treatments for results that are remarkably similar to a facelift.

While the concept of a liquid facelift has merit and can provide significant temporary improvement for the qualifying candidate, it is not appropriate for everyone.

Patients who are looking for the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and volume loss should consider the results they are looking for in their treatment before they decide which treatment they are interested in.

Which Injectables Does a Liquid Facelift Use?

The liquid facelift is tailored to the patient and their specific needs. At Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide variety of injectables such as JUVÉDERM®, Restylane®, RADIESSE®, Sculptra® Aesthetic, BELOTERO BALANCE®, BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport®, and XEOMIN®.

A combination of these injectables will be used to smooth wrinkles and fill areas of volume loss on the face and jawline.

Why Should You Consider a Liquid Facelift?

It Is Non-surgical

Many patients want facial rejuvenation and the improvement of age-related wrinkles and volume loss; however, they are not willing to undergo facelift surgery.

The liquid facelift allows potential patients the ability to avoid or at least postpone the need for an invasive procedure, and a liquid facelift is entirely non-surgical with no downtime (some bruising is possible ) and minimal discomfort.

Patients Can Explore Their Options

There are various types of dermal fillers. These are made from different ingredients and work to restore volume in alternate ways.

Since a liquid facelift is not permanent (as the body breaks down the injectables over time), patients can try different injectables to see which options give them the aesthetic result they desire.

Great for Volume Loss

When tissues are tightened during a surgical facelift, they will relax over time. This gives the appearance of enhanced volume even though nothing is added to the face.

When you age, your tissues not only sag, but your facial fat disappears. Dermal fillers are ideal for volume loss and can even be used to plump and fill the lips.

Initially Less Expensive

If you are interested in a less expensive alternative and a quick fix, a liquid facelift is for you. A liquid facelift can provide substantial improvement and the restoration of a more youthful complexion at a fraction of the surgical facelift cost.


A before and after comparison of a facelift procedure.

Addresses Skin Laxity

Fillers and injectable treatments can fill areas of volume loss. They cannot, however, tighten the skin. Only a facelift can target moderate to significant skin laxity. Facelift surgery removes sagging, hanging skin that developed with tissue breakdown.

Treats Jowls

The restoration of volume provided by the strategic placement of dermal fillers can allow a liquid facelift to improve the jowls. Unfortunately, dermal fillers cannot reverse sagging jowls the way that a surgical facelift can.

The surgical facelift lifts the tissues and skin that creates the jowls. When these tissues are raised and are no longer putting pressure on the jawline, patients can witness the actual improvement of the jowls, not just the masking of it.

Provides Long-Lasting Results

A liquid facelift will provide rejuvenating results typically for nine months to a year. A surgical facelift will produce results for many years since it physically manipulates the skin and tissues.

Is Cost-Effective Down the Line

While dermal fillers and injectables are certainly cheaper upfront, they may not remain that way if repeated treatments are desired and administered.

A facelift requires a one-time fee, and while this expense will be noticeably higher than a liquid facelift, the repetition of liquid facelift procedures may surpass the cost of the surgical facelift.

If you are looking for a liquid facelift near you, contact Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form.

Is Liposuction Really Permanent?

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

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Many men and women turn to liposuction when diet and exercise are not enough to rid them of the unwanted pockets of fat that develop. While some men and women can maintain their liposuction results through a healthy diet and regular exercise, not everyone can.

For those who cannot, they often try to use the excuse that liposuction is not permanent, and liposuction only moves the fat to other regions of the body. Unfortunately for those trying to use that excuse, it is not a fact.

simulated before and after images that show potential results that can be achieved with liposuction-img-blog

Simulated before and after images that show potential results that can be achieved with liposuction.

Liposuction is permanent in that it permanently removes fat cells from the body that cannot be reproduced—liposuction does not move fat to another place. Maintaining liposuction results is the same as maintaining weight loss results. It is not always easy; however, it can be done with diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.

How Does Liposuction Permanently Remove Fat?

Liposuction involves making small incisions in the treatment area through which a narrow, hollow tube, known as a cannula, is inserted to break up and suction out fat cells and fat. There are different liposuction techniques available, all of which arrive at the same place of fat cell reduction. These techniques vary in the way that the fat cells are broken apart, and some may allow for easier fat removal for qualifying patients. Smartlipo™ breaks up the fat cells using laser energy. Body-Jet® and AquaShape® separate the fat cells from healthy tissues with intense water pressure like a Waterpik®. Ultrasonic-assisted liposuction uses sound waves to break up fat cells, and power-assisted liposuction uses rapid vibrations to separate the fat from the tissues.

Once the fat cells are separated, a suctioning device pulls them out of the body. All of these liposuction techniques offer permanent solutions and come with minimal recovery and side effects.

How Is Liposuction Different From Weight Loss?

While liposuction can slim and tone your physique, it is not the same as weight loss. Liposuction removes fat cells from the body; weight loss minimizes the size of the fat cells but does not alter the number of cells. Every person is born with a set number of fat cells that cannot be increased or naturally reduced. Liposuction, or other cosmetic treatments, is the only way to reduce the quantity of fat cells in the body.


Why Does Fat Return Elsewhere?

When you experience an unhealthy diet, stress, or other weight-increasing factors, the fat cells expand and grow in size. This weight will develop in the regions with the highest number of fat cells. Since you have a reduced number of cells in the liposuction treatment area, the new weight will likely not develop there. Instead, it will seek out a different body region with a higher concentration of fat cells.

Can Liposuction Be Repeated on an Area?

The best way to maintain your liposuction results is through a healthy diet and exercise. Patients who are unable to do so may be interested in a repeated liposuction treatment. While liposuction can be repeated on the same area, it is typically not recommended. There may be existing scar tissue or other factors to deal with that were not present for the initial surgery. Before you choose to undergo liposuction for the second time in the same area, you should try to lose weight naturally.

For more information about liposuction, contact Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form.

Is a Mommy Makeover Enough?

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

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The Mommy Makeover is common for women looking to restore tone and youthfulness to their bodies after having children. This procedure targets areas most commonly affected by pregnancy like the breasts and abdomen. However, the bustline and stomach are not the only areas that see a difference after children.

A mother holding her daughter while enjoying the results of her Mommy Makeover surgery. For women whose post-pregnancy body alterations expand beyond these two regions, additional surgical procedures can help to restore a slim and trim physique.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Consist Of?

The Mommy Makeover is a mixture of surgical procedures that allow women to regain their pre-pregnancy figure. While this is tailored to the patient, the Mommy Makeover traditionally includes liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast lift and/or breast augmentation.

Before and after photos of a patient who underwent a Mommy Makeover (breast augmentation and tummy tuck) with Dr. Schlechter.

Before and after photos of a patient who underwent a Mommy Makeover (breast augmentation and tummy tuck) with Dr. Schlechter.

Liposuction removes localized pockets of fat around the abdomen and on the hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck. This can be performed on any region of the body that is experiencing unwanted excess fat. Unfortunately, liposuction can only target the fat cells, it cannot address excess skin, and it cannot raise and tighten sagging breasts.

Tummy tuck surgery is performed to remove excess skin on the abdomen and tighten the muscles that may have loosened, stretched, or ripped during pregnancy and childbirth.

Breast surgery repairs sagging, deflated, or misshapen breasts after childbirth. The breasts are the most susceptible to pregnancy and childbirth-related changes. Your breasts go through so much during that process: they swell to allow for milk production, they experience the trauma with breastfeeding, and they shrink after you stop breastfeeding. Breast augmentation is performed to restore volume to the breasts, and breast lift surgery is done to remove excess skin and stretched tissues that contribute to the sagging.

For some women, this combination of procedures is enough to restore the patient’s desired physique. However, other women have additional concerns.

What Procedures Can Be Combined With a Mommy Makeover?

Skin Removal Procedures

While tummy tuck surgery is a skin removal surgery, it only removes excess skin on the abdomen. And, unfortunately, the midsection is not the only region that develops excess, loose skin. Some women find that they have skin laxity after pregnancy and/or after liposuction, frequently on the arms or upper thighs. To achieve the best results, many women choose to add an arm lift or a thigh lift to their Mommy Makeover procedure. These skin removal procedures will trim away the excess so that slimmer shapes and firmer musculature are exposed.

Before and after photos of a patient who underwent arm lift surgery with Dr. Schlechter.

Before and after photos of a patient who underwent arm lift surgery with Dr. Schlechter.

Brazilian Butt Lift

While many women desire to trim and tighten areas after pregnancy, other women discover that they lost volume in regions that they want it. The butt is one of these areas. Many women are dissatisfied with the lackluster shape, firmness, and height of their butt after having children. The Brazilian Butt Lift raises the elevation of the butt and enhances the shape and size of the backside. It does this by using the fat previously taken through liposuction and injecting it into various regions of your derriére to lift and sculpt your buttocks. For some women, this procedure can be the final piece of their new motherhood transformation.

For more information about the Mommy Makeover, contact Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form.

Enhance Your Hourglass Figure

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

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Many women work endlessly to keep their figures looking trim and sculpted, and every one of them understands how hard it can be to maintain this desire with busy lives, genetics, aging, and less-than-healthy diets getting in the way. This already difficult task is only made worse when keeping your body slim is only one part of the challenge.

For many women, the contour of the body is just as important as how thin it is, and an hourglass figure is still considered to be an ideal shape. If you desire an hourglass figure but have difficulty in attaining it, cosmetic surgery may be able to help. At Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery, we offer a series of procedures that target all of the right places.

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Slim the Waist

Much like the name suggests, an hourglass figure resembles the object itself: curves in the hips and bust that surround a narrow waist. To achieve this narrow waist through cosmetic surgery, many women opt for liposuction of the abdomen. Various liposuction techniques allow for different levels of fat removal. During this procedure, excess and unwanted fat cells are suctioned through a thin, hollow tube and safely removed from the body.

By narrowing the abdomen and the waist, you can highlight the separation of the waist and hips and start to achieve the central part of the hourglass frame.

Enhance the Surrounding Features

Liposuction is not only the first step to achieving an hourglass frame through cosmetic surgery, but it is also the most important one. Liposuction removes unwanted fat cells, and once they are gone, you have two options: you can say goodbye to the fat for good, or you can use the fat to your advantage. Along with a narrow waist, an hourglass figure involves attaining curves on the bustline and the buttocks. Adding volume to these features can be done in two ways.

The first is through the use of breast implants. While implants are a useful and long-lasting way to achieve added volume, they are a separate procedure from the liposuction that you have already undergone.

The second option to gain volume is through fat transfer. Fat transfer is an entirely natural way to increase the size of the breasts or the buttocks, and the best part of fat transfer in this situation is that you already have all the materials necessary. Fat grafting is a two-step process that removes fat from one area of the body and places it into another. You have already removed the fat cells from the abdomen, so now they might as well be added to the breasts or buttocks to reach your desired level of curves to finalize your hourglass figure.

To learn more about how cosmetic surgery can help you achieve an hourglass figure, contact Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form to set up a consultation.

Candidate for Immediate Breast Reconstruction

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

2 Minute Read: 

Mastectomy is a word that you hope you never have to hear. Unfortunately, it is a reality that far too many women face. A breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent mastectomy affect a woman’s physical and emotional well-being. And while cancer treatments and surgery can help with the physical aspects, many women are left with the emotional trauma of having to see themselves without their breasts.

Immediate Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is performed so that no woman has to deal with this reality. Breast reconstruction uses the flap method, where tissue is taken from another part of your body and molded to create a new breast, or tissue expanders and implants, which is very similar to breast augmentation. The doctor will discuss the pros and cons of each option at the time of your consultation.

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Just as there are two options for reconstruction techniques, there are also two different timeframes for your reconstruction: delayed or immediate. Delayed breast reconstruction occurs sometime after your mastectomy. Immediate breast reconstruction is performed at the same time as your mastectomy. Although there are benefits to both timeframes, many women are interested in immediate reconstruction because, with this option, they do not have to see themselves without their breasts for an extended period. If you have recently discovered that a mastectomy is in your future and you are interested in immediate reconstruction, some prerequisites must be met.

What Are the Benefits of Immediate Breast Reconstruction?

Immediate reconstruction offers many benefits. Not only does it limit the emotional insecurities of losing your breasts, but it also allows for a better aesthetic appearance. When reconstruction is performed after your mastectomy has healed and scarring has occurred, it can be more challenging to achieve the same level of cosmetic results. Also, immediate reconstruction removes the need for an additional day of surgery and anesthesia. Combining the two procedures allows you to reduce your overall recovery period and is often more cost-effective because you are already in surgery and under anesthesia.

What Are the Benefits of Delayed Breast Reconstruction?

While many women find immediate reconstruction to be more advantageous, delayed reconstruction is not without its benefits. Delayed reconstruction is performed months or years after the initial surgery. This delay will allow you plenty of time to heal, recover, and improve your physical and emotional health before choosing the type of reconstruction you want. The main benefit of delayed reconstruction is, however, that it does not interfere with post-mastectomy cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. For women who have their surgery before radiation treatment, delayed reconstruction is often preferable, as radiation can affect your results and healing.

Are You A Candidate?

The only way to know if you are a candidate for immediate reconstruction is to talk with your oncologist, your mastectomy surgeon, and your plastic surgeon to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Additional cancer treatments, the stage your cancer is in, your current medical condition, and your lifestyle will all factor into which time frame is best for you.

For more information about breast reconstruction, contact Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 of by filling out our online contact form to set up a consultation.

You’ve Had a Facelift. Now What?

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

3 Minute Read: 

Facelift surgery is performed to counteract the typical signs of aging and the effects of sun damage. It is the go-to procedure to address lines, wrinkles, and volume loss on the mid and lower regions of the face and neck. While this procedure is at the top of the list regarding effectiveness and longevity in its results, no anti-aging procedure will ever be permanent because no surgery can stop the continual and natural progression of aging.

Pretty woman

If you have had a facelift and are once again noticing the frustration of aging, Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery offers several non-surgical and non-invasive options to restore and maintain your youthful facial contours.

Laser Skin Tightening

Laser skin tightening returns youthfulness to the face and neck by using laser heat to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is the protein found in your skin that is responsible for your skin’s structure and suppleness. These laser treatments reach deep layers of the skin so that you can achieve correction of even moderate to severe facial lines. Often, there is little or no downtime or recovery period, and you can return to normal activities immediately following treatment.


Injectable treatments offer relief from fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss. Injectables use a variety of ingredients and formulas to restore volume to hollowed facial features and deep lines and indentations. Although these injectables only offer temporary relief, they can be repeated as often as necessary to keep your skin looking smooth and plump. Some of the injectable treatments offered by Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery include:

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers like JUVÉDERM®, Restylane®, JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC, Sculptra® Aesthetic, and RADIESSE®: These fillers bind moisture to the skin to maintain youthful fullness.
  • RADIESSE®: This injectable stimulates collagen production and provides structure to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Sculptra® Aesthetic: This treatment restores volume to facial fat loss by promoting collagen growth.

Combining Treatments

While laser skin tightening and injectables are useful in touching up newly formed wrinkles and fine lines after facelift surgery, they can also be performed in combination with a facelift to address the signs of aging in the upper regions of the face. Lasers and injectable treatments can restore youthfulness to the eye and forehead area while the facelift is doing the same to the middle and lower region of the face. And dermal fillers, such as JUVÉDERM® and Restylane®, can enhance fullness and plumpness to the lips that is not possible through traditional facelift surgery.

Maintaining Your Results

No matter what procedure, or combination of procedures, you undergo, it is up to you to maintain your results. Facial aging will continue, but you can help to postpone it. Protecting yourself from the sun, following a nutritious diet, and a good skin care regimen will all help to push back the formation of fine lines and wrinkles so that you can wait a little longer before considering a touch-up procedure.

For more information about any of these procedures, contact Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form to set up a consultation.

Gain Comfort with Breast Reduction

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

2 Minute Read: 

Excess glandular and fatty breast tissue creates physical discomfort for both women and men. This discomfort can range from minor to debilitating and can affect the quality of life for many individuals. Unfortunately, excess tissue and fat in the breasts do not often respond to diet and exercise, and for many individuals, surgery is their only option.

Breast reduction for women and gynecomastia surgery for men can ease breast-related discomfort and allow individuals to get back to the activities they love.

Woman wearing a sports bra

What Causes Discomfort?

Having excess breast tissue places a strain on the back, neck, shoulders, and chest. While this is more often seen in women with cumbersome breasts, it can also be experienced in men with a significant excess of tissue. Any excess tissue is extra weight, and as gravity pulls this tissue downward, additional pressure is placed on the surrounding areas. Women often have to change their posture to counteract the weight of the breasts; this can put their spine out of alignment and create further damage and discomfort.

In addition to the physical discomfort, both men and women experience unsightly and undesirable skin conditions due to their breasts rubbing together. As this happens, rashes and dry skin forms between and under the breasts. These rashes can be itchy or downright painful.

How Can Surgical Treatments Help?

Breast Reduction Surgery Women

Breast reduction surgery is performed on women who suffer from the effects of overly large breasts. Through incisions made around the areola and vertically down the breast, Dr. Schlechter removes excess glandular and fatty tissue that results in smaller, more compact, and lighter breasts.

Gynecomastia Surgery For Men

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by excess breast tissue and fat in men. This creates both physical and emotional discomfort. Gynecomastia is treated through gynecomastia surgery. This surgery is typically a multistep procedure that uses both liposuction and surgical excision. Liposuction or Smartlipo™ is first used to remove any excess fatty tissue in the breast before breast tissue and skin are surgically removed.

For more information or to schedule up a consultation, please contact Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form.

Natural Breast Augmentation

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

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Saline or silicone implants are the most common form of breast augmentation. While these provide a safe and noticeable way to enhance the volume and shape of the breasts, implants are not right for every woman. Breast augmentation with fat transfer offers similar, natural-looking results with fewer risks.

Woman wearing white bra with arms covering her chest

Benefits of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Remove Unwanted Fat

Breast augmentation with fat transfer uses fat instead of implants as the augmenting material. During this procedure, liposuction removes unwanted fat from the abdomen, hips, thighs, or buttocks and transfers it to the breasts to increase their volume and shape. Fat grafting takes fat from an area where you do not want it, and moves it to one that you do, allowing you to treat two concerns at one time. Even with diet and exercise, many women struggle with losing the final pounds around the abdomen and thighs. Fat transfer removes these fat cells and puts them to good use. Enhancement of the breasts with fat transfer is dependent on the amount of fat that can be harvested. More than one treatment is sometimes necessary to achieve the desired result.

Reduces Implant-Related Risks

Scar tissue forms around any foreign object that is placed in the body, including breast implants. Occasionally, this scar tissue tightens and squeezes the implant, forcing it to change shape and causing a significant amount of physical discomfort. This is known as capsular contracture. Although capsular contracture does not always occur, it is the most common complication associated with breast implants today.

Since the fat injected is your own, it is not a “foreign” object, and therefore no scar tissue will form. No scar tissue means no capsular contracture.

Fat Does Not Have a Time Limit

Breast implants are long-lasting; however, they are not necessarily permanent. Implants are expected to last between 10 and 15 years. Some last longer, while others experience complications much sooner. Fat transfer does not have a time limit. The fat that is injected into the breasts is unlikely to be significantly absorbed or lost with time. This makes fat transfer a longer-lasting option for breast augmentation. Loss of volume from fat transfer can occur with significant weight loss.

Breast augmentation with fat transfer or implants can lead to satisfying results. To learn more about breast enhancement, or to set up a consultation, call Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery at (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form.

Surgical Arm Lift vs. Laser Arm Lift

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

2 Minute Read: 

For many individuals, the upper arms can be a significant source of insecurity. Weight fluctuations and aging can lead to the development of excess fat and loose skin. When these two things are combined, you may be left with flabby, undesirable arms that seem impossible to tone without cosmetic help. And no one wants to cover up their arms every day, especially in the warm summer months. Fortunately, many treatments can slim, tone, and define the upper arms.

Woman Holding Arm With Excess Fat

The Surgical Arm Lift

The surgical arm lift procedure addresses excess fat and skin laxity in the upper arms resulting from weight fluctuations and natural aging. Brachioplasty is a procedure that reduces the circumference of the arm by surgically removing the excess fat and hanging skin that contribute to the dreaded “bat wing” appearance.

During your brachioplasty procedure, Dr. Schlechter makes an incision on the inside of your arm that usually runs from your armpit to your elbow. He then removes the excess fat and skin to reveal slimmer, smoother, and shaplier arms.

The Laser Arm Lift

While surgery is the most sure-fire way to improve skin laxity and remove excess fat in the upper arms, it isn’t the only way. If you dislike the appearance of your upper arms but are not ready for cosmetic surgery, Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery offers the laser arm lift. This alternative to the traditional arm lift uses the Smartlipo® Triplex® system or Renuvion™ to tighten loose arm skin.

Dr. Schlechter performs this procedure using only a tiny incision in your upper arm. The Smartlipo® Triplex® technology administers laser energy to the upper arm through this incision, liquifying the excess fat in the arms so it is more easily removed with little trauma to the surrounding tissues. This laser energy also causes the skin to tighten, lessening its lax quality and appearance. Renuvion™ is a combination of radio frequency and helium to heat and cook the tissues at the same time, resulting in skin and tissue tightening.

Which Is for You?

While both the traditional arm lift and the laser arm lift offer unique benefits, it is essential to find the technique that is right for you. A laser arm lift is ideal for patients with a smaller amount of excess fat and hanging skin. Because the laser arm lift tightens the skin instead of removing it, it cannot correct the same level of skin laxity as arm lift surgery can.

If you have previously lost a significant amount of weight and have a more considerable amount of excess skin, the laser arm lift may not provide the appearance you want, even if you would prefer a less invasive procedure. Setting up a consultation is the only way to identify which option is best for you.

If you are tired of the appearance of your arms, contact Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling 610-678-9200 to set up a consultation with Dr. Schlechter.

Our Location

Benjamin Schlechter M.D.
2603 Keiser Blvd Suite 207
Wyomissing PA 19610
(610) 678-9200

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