
Labiaplasty Recovery

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Are you insecure about the size or shape of your labia? Do you have large vaginal lips and experience discomfort during your regular, daily activities? Do feel self-conscious about your labia during intimate moments?

If any of those concerns resonate with you, then you should know that labiaplasty is an effective way to reduce the size and shape of the labia minora (the inner lips of the labia). In addition to experiencing changes due to the natural aging process, it is also common for life events like pregnancy and childbirth to cause your vaginal lips to enlarge, often to the point of discomfort. While many women are already aware that labiaplasty is a viable option to help correct these issues, many are concerned about the recovery time of the procedure.

pink-colored towel shaped like female genitaliaWhat to Expect During the Procedure

Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure performed under IV sedation. It involves removing and tightening the tissue and reshaping the labia, where necessary. Dr. Schlechter uses two labiaplasty techniques during this procedure and will determine which is most appropriate for you during your consultation appointment.

Central Wedge Resection

The central wedge resection is Dr. Schlechter’s preferred labiaplasty method and one most commonly used to reduce the size of the labia minora. After removing a wedge of tissue from the labia, Dr. Schlechter will close the incision with dissolvable sutures.

Trim Method

The trim technique is used to reduce the size and length of the labia. This technique involves removing a strip of tissue along the entire edge of the lips before closing the incision with dissolvable sutures.

Common Recovery Questions

How much pain will I experience?

The procedure itself is performed under general anesthesia, so there will be no pain during the surgery. After the procedure, experiencing some discomfort is typical, but this is easily managed with over-the-counter or prescription medication. Other symptoms you may experience include temporary swelling and/or bruising.

What will help my recovery?

During the first few days following your surgery, you should make sure to get plenty of rest. Swelling can be minimized by icing the area and lying with it elevated. After the first day, light walking is encouraged to help increase blood flow, which will aid healing.

When can I go back to work or resume my normal activities?

Most patients take a week off from work, but this is highly dependent on the type of job you have. A more physically demanding job will require taking off more time. Normal daily activities are okay to resume after that time, but patients should avoid exercising and more strenuous activities for two to three weeks. Dr. Schlechter will give you more guidance during your follow-up visit.

How long until I can have sex?

It is essential to allow yourself enough time to fully heal. Full pelvic rest is recommended for at least four to six weeks following the procedure. You must avoid having sexual intercourse or using tampons during this time.

Dr. Schlechter will provide you with more information regarding the recovery process for labiaplasty during your initial consultation. Call us today at (610) 678-9200 to schedule your appointment.

Chin Implant and Neck Liposuction

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

A strong, defined profile is a sign of both beauty and masculinity by today’s beauty standards. Strong features, balance, and symmetry, are all sought after as part of an ideal appearance. If your features are soft and lack definition, the lines of your face may blend into your neckline, but by combining a chin augmentation and targeted neck liposuction, you can dramatically enhance the features of your lower face.

Chin Implant Before and After Photos

Chin Implant

A chin implant, or mentoplasty, can help you achieve greater definition and facial structure. It gives your jaw a clear transition into your neckline and can even address features that are disproportionate. During your procedure, Dr. Schlechter will insert a small implant into your chin to augment its shape. There are many different sizes of implants, and Dr. Schlechter will help you determine which option will best enhance your facial balance and profile.

Dr. Schlechter performs chin implant surgery as an outpatient procedure. An incision will be made inside your mouth or in the natural crease under your chin to minimize any visible scarring creating a profile that is as flawless as possible.

Neck Liposuction

Having a strong, structured chin will give you a defined jawline. However, sagging skin under the chin can minimize the results of chin augmentation. Adding neck liposuction to your chin augmentation procedure can further define the contours of your lower face and emphasize the lines between your chin and neck.

Through the use of a cannula (a small suction device), Dr. Schlechter will remove excess fat deposits with precision, making the contours of your chin and neckline more pronounced and seamless. He offers multiple liposuction techniques, including:

  • Smartlipo™
  • body-jet® and AquaShape®
  • Ultrasonic-assisted liposuction (UAL)
  • Power-assisted liposuction (PAL)

Neck liposuction is only beneficial for those who have minimal fat deposits and skin that still has elasticity. If your skin cannot bounce back into shape after fat removal, neck liposuction alone won’t provide you with the best possible contouring. For patients who have sagging skin, a neck lift may also be necessary to attain the best results.

If you are interested in chin augmentation or liposuction with or without a neck lift and you would like to see if you are a candidate for both procedures, please contact our office at 610-678-9200 to set up a complimentary consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Benjamin Schlechter.

Mommy Makeover Pros and Cons

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

The addition of children to your life can be a whirlwind. You may not have time to regain your pre-baby figure with the added responsibilities of caring for children, and your ability to exercise may be more limited than before. Pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding can also make weight loss more difficult. Between changes in your skin laxity and additional fat deposits, exercise alone may not be enough. A Mommy Makeover can help where exercise cannot. Comprised of a customizable set of surgical procedures, the Mommy Makeover tightens and tones your body to achieve your personal goals.

Mommy Makeover Before and After Photos

Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover is an entirely customizable procedure, tailored precisely to your individual needs. Realistically, you can include almost any procedure in your Mommy Makeover, but the most common ones are a breast lift, breast augmentation, liposuction, and tummy tuck.

Breast Lift

Pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding can leave your breasts sagging. A breast lift will elevate your breasts to a more youthful position. Dr. Schlechter will tighten the tissues to lift your breasts higher on your chest and remove any excess skin. A breast lift will reshape your breasts and restore their natural appearance.

Breast Augmentation

Women often lose breast volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you want to do more than just fix the sagging left behind by your pregnancy, a breast augmentation can give you that something extra. Often performed with a breast lift, a breast augmentation with implants or breast augmentation with fat transfer will provide you with a larger cup size. If you’ve always wanted to enhance your appearance, a breast augmentation is a perfect way to do that.


If there are areas of your body with pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise and healthy eating, Dr. Schlechter will perform liposuction to permanently remove the unwanted fat cells. Using a small cannula allows Dr. Schlechter to be very precise so he can provide you with subtle, natural contours wherever you need them.

Tummy Tuck

The skin of the stomach stretches during pregnancy, and it doesn’t always return back afterward. If you find that you have excess skin that sags around your midsection or loose abdominal muscles, a tummy tuck will help you regain your pre-baby belly. Dr. Schlechter will tighten the underlying muscles and remove any excess sagging skin to help you achieve a more toned and attractive abdomen.

Things to Consider

Recovery Time

A Mommy Makeover requires you to be serious about your recovery. The length of your recovery will depend on the number of procedures you have and the extent of correction needed. Following your procedure, the surgical areas will be wrapped, and you may be required to wear a compression garment. You will experience swelling and bruising temporarily, but these will subside after a few weeks. You should take one to two weeks to recover at home, and you should avoid strenuous activities or exercise until Dr. Schlechter clears you (typically around six weeks).


Due to the nature of the surgical procedures, it will be unlikely that you will be able to care for young children for up to two weeks after your procedure. You will need to make sure that you have someone to help you if you have young children that need to be carried or assisted throughout the day. Your results are dependent on how well your body recovers. Ensuring you engage only in light activities during your recovery will increase your chances of beautiful, long-lasting results.

To discuss which procedures will bring you one step closer to your goals, schedule your consultation with Dr. Schlechter today. Contact us today by calling (610) 678-9200. We look forward to hearing from you!


Arm Lift After Weight Loss

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Many people, as they age, find that their skin has lost elasticity and has begun to sag. While most people do experience some degree of this during their lifetime, it is much more common in those who have had significant weight loss. Sagging skin around your arm is especially troublesome since it is not easily concealable. It can also prevent you from enjoying your new, slimmer body or can make you feel less confident about your new appearance. However, an arm lift, or brachioplasty, may be the solution.

Arm Lift Before and After Photos

You could be a candidate for an arm lift if you have a lot of excess skin on your arm, or if you have stubborn fat deposits that remain even after regularly exercising.

The procedure will reduce the overall circumference of your arm while firming and toning the whole area. The ultimate result is a more youthful looking arm.

Traditional Arm Lift

A traditional arm lift is performed as an outpatient procedure under anesthesia. Dr. Schlechter makes an incision on your inner upper arm. The length of the incision can vary depending on your individual need. He then removes any excess fat and uses internal sutures to tighten the underlying tissue, which helps to tone and define your arm. Dr. Schlechter uses fine sutures to close the incision to minimize scarring.

Following your arm lift procedure, you may experience some temporary swelling and mild discomfort. Most patients can return to work within a one to two weeks, but they should avoid strenuous activities for six weeks. It can take up to eight months for the scars to fully mature, but they will continue to fade and become less noticeable over time.


An additional option available to assist in transforming your arms is Smartlipo™ liposuction. This technique can effectively remove excess fat and tighten your skin at the same time, improving both the shape and tone of your arms. This procedure is most appropriate for someone who has minor to moderate arm sagging and is in good health. Smartlipo™ is a minimally invasive technique that can be done in a short office visit under anesthesia or a local anesthetic, although time will vary depending on the chosen procedure site. Dr. Schlechter will insert a specialized cannula under the skin in the target area. The cannula will emit laser energy to the tissues, causing the fat cells to melt. A vacuum device will then suction out the melted fat cells, and the body’s natural metabolic process will dispose of any remaining melted fat cells. The heat emitted from the Smartlipo™ laser will stimulate the production of collagen, which will help tighten your skin and improve elasticity.

Following the Smartlipo™ procedure, you can expect some swelling and bruising, but wearing compression garments for a short time afterward will help. Unlike a traditional arm lift, you will be able to resume regular activities after just a few days. Scars from Smartlipo™ are minimal compared to those of a traditional arm lift, and they will continue to fade over time.

Regardless of which arm lift procedure you choose, the results will be immediate and improve over time and will be long-lasting as long as you maintain a stable weight and regular exercise.

To learn more about which arm lift procedure is appropriate, and how it can benefit you, contact Dr. Schlechter for a consultation. Please call us at (610) 678-9200 to schedule your appointment.

Best Age for Breast Lift Surgery

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

For women concerned about the drooping and sagging of their breasts, breast lift surgery can be a great solution. Before deciding whether or not you want to undergo breast lift surgery, it’s important to determine the degree of sagging, or ptosis, you are experiencing. There are three grades of breast ptosis:

  • Grage I: mild ptosis
  • Grage II: mild to moderate ptosis
  • Grage III: severe ptsosis

Breast Lift Before and After Photos

If your nipple is directly in front of the inframammary fold (the crease at the bottom of your breast), you may have mild ptosis. Mild to moderate ptosis is characterized by the nipple falling 1 to 3 centimeters below the fold. When the nipple is more than 3 centimeters below the fold, you may have severe breast ptosis.

Causes of breast sagging include aging, pregnancy, significant weight gain or loss, large breasts, or cigarette smoking. These can occur at any age, which means women do not have to wait until a certain age to consider breast lift surgery. Dr. Schlechter will determine the breast lift procedure that is best for you once he verifies the severity of your ptosis.

Breast Lift Procedures

Traditional Breast Lift

This procedure is best for correcting severe sagging. The incision is made around the areola, down the breast, and across the crease. The scarring typically fades over time. This procedure provides the most distinct results in patients who might not respond well to less invasive techniques.

Circumareolar Breast Lift

This procedure works to correct mild ptosis. Scarring is almost invisible as the incision is made around the perimeter of the areola. Dr. Schlechter will reduce the size of the areola and move it higher on the breast. Excess skin will also be removed, and many times, implants are placed at the same time.

Crescent Breast Lift

This is a great option for patients who want very minimal scarring; however, it is only appropriate in patients with very mild ptosis. Dr. Schlechter makes an incision on the top edge of the areola, removing a crescent shaped piece of skin. He then sutures together the remaining skin.

Vertical Breast Lift

This procedure is best for women who have mild to moderate ptosis. It is very similar to a traditional breast lift, but there is no incision made across the base of the breast.

To learn more about which breast lift procedure is right for you, contact Dr. Schlechter for a consultation. Please call us at (610) 678-9200 to schedule your appointment.

Out With the Old and in With the NEW!

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Here at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery, we are excited about the new generation of Gummy Bear breast implants by Natrelle®. Allergan, the makers of Natrelle® gel implants, is phasing out a number of different styles and profiles of their breast implants and replacing them with their new INSPIRA® Collection. Their rationale is that each woman is unique with regard to her shape, body structure, and where she is in her life. The INSPIRA® Collection features three different gummy gels designed for the look and feel that is most important to the patient.

Natrelle INSPIRA® Breast Implants by Allergan

Gummy describes the consistency of the silicone gel in the Natrelle® Inspira breast implants. The gummy-like gel in the implant sticks together to hold its shape. The reason they are called Gummy Bear implants is that, like a gummy bear, if you slice the implant in half, the cohesive gel inside does not ooze out. Each of the three implant styles in the collection has a different level of gel gumminess or squishiness.

  • Natrelle INSPIRA® implants are gummy and the squishiest.
  • Natrelle INSPIRA® SoftTouch implants are gummier and less squishy.
  • Natrelle INSPIRA® Cohesive implants are the gummiest and least squishy.

The best way to determine which style suits you is to come in for a consultation so that you can try on the Natrelle® implants and get a feel for which one is best for you. Does this mean that because there is a new generation of implants that those of us with the last generation have to rush out to replace our breast implants? Absolutely not! But, if you are interested in changing the size or profile of your existing implants, you may want to come in for a consultation and feel for yourself if the implants from the Natrelle® INSPIRA® Collection are right for you. Afterall, in the years since you first had your breast augmentation, your shape, body structure and stage in life may have changed.

How Weight Loss Affects the Breasts

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

One of the concerns many women have when they are attempting to lose weight is how weight loss will affect their breasts. While weight loss can improve their health and lead to countless benefits for women who are overweight or obese, it can also cause breast volume loss, loose skin, and ptosis (sagging). When the breasts are significantly altered by moderate to major weight loss, a breast lift and/or breast augmentation can restore the shape, appearance, and firmness of the breasts.

Breast Augmentation with Lift Before and After Photos

Losing Weight

Because of anatomical differences, all women do not lose weight the same way, at the same rate, or in the same ratios from the same areas. Some may experience a noticeable reduction in breast size before seeing any slimming in the waist, and others may notice that their pants fit better before observing any other changes. Because women can gain and lose weight everywhere on their bodies, weight changes may be more noticeable in certain areas than others.

Losing Breast Tissue

The breasts are composed of fat, glandular tissue, and other types of tissue. When you are dieting or exercising to lose weight, the first tissue the body converts to energy is typically fat. Since women have different percentages of fatty tissue in their breasts, the loss of fat in the breasts can mean a more noticeable reduction in breast size for some women than for others. Weight loss (especially major weight loss) can have a significant impact on the appearance of the breasts. It is not unusual for women to have sagging, shapeless breasts with loose skin and volume loss after they have lost weight.

Restoring the Breasts After Weight Loss

After weight loss, breast surgery can help restore a woman’s breasts. Dr. Schlechter may not recommend breast surgery until a woman’s weight is stable because losing even just 10 pounds can change breast volume and skin quality. The best time for a woman to pursue breast surgery after weight loss is after she has maintained her stable goal weight for at least three to six months. When the timing is right, a woman can get a breast lift to tighten, lift, and reshape her breasts so that they are more flattering, feminine, and youthful. If volume loss is substantial, breast implants can restore some of the lost volume and augment breast size. Dr. Benjamin Schlechter can help you decide whether to undergo a breast lift, breast augmentation, or both to rejuvenate and enhance your breasts after weight loss.

Brazilian Butt Lifts Are on the Rise in 2018

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

2018 should see a continuing rise in Brazilian Butt Lifts (pardon the pun). The difference is that the Kim Kardashian oversized butt trend is giving way to substantial subtlety as Fat Transfer to the butt is gaining popularity with many older women and men who want a more natural looking bottom, much like they had when they were in their twenties and thirties.  Case in point, recently a 60+ patient decided that her little old lady butt bothered her enough to seek Dr. Schlechter’s expertise to help her restore her curvy bottom of yore.

Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After Photo

Dr. Schlechter took fat from the patient’s abdomen, flanks, and lower back to create a more hourglass waistline and transferred that fat to round out her otherwise flat bottom. This approach to the Brazilian Butt Lift works very well for post-menopausal women who tend to become thicker in the middle and flatter in the rear.

With regard to fat transfers in general, while there is no set weight for a person to have a fat transfer, there has to be enough fat to harvest. If a person is thin, it is likely that the fat will be liposuctioned from multiple areas to have enough fat to make a difference in the transfer site. Depending on the type of shape you are seeking, fat will be placed in specific areas to achieve the ideal volume and shape. It is the strategic placement of the harvested fat that is the key to a successful transfer, which is where the doctor’s skill and artistry come into play. The fat will be inserted into many different areas of the buttocks at different depths and different locations so that it is surrounded by tissue that offers a good blood supply. If not injected properly, the fat cells will not survive the transfer, and thus will become necrotic. Dr. Schlechter uses many small, precise injections into different areas and takes each patient’s desired look into consideration so that patient can achieve the look she or he wants. As Dr. Schlechter injects the fat, he uses massage techniques and feels around to make sure the fat is evenly distributed and smooth around the entire buttocks. Of course, there will always be some fat that is reabsorbed by the body during transfer, but Dr. Schlechter’s technique results in minimal fat loss. In fact, Dr. Schlechter recently invested in the latest technology that allows for the harvesting and transfer of the fat within a closed system, thus allowing for a complete, systemic approach from harvesting cannula to re-injecting cannula.

Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After Photo

Ultimately as we age, the odds are against us in the battle of the bulge and the fight against gravity. We seem to deflate in places we don’t want to, like our faces, our breasts, and our behinds. We sometimes acquire a belly pooch and an all-around thicker middle. Luckily with a skilled plastic surgeon armed with the highest quality equipment, the playing field is leveled, and you can achieve a body contouring transformation with the transfer of your very own fat. – Not a Kardashian butt mind you, simply a more natural, youthful, shapely silhouette.

How Our Fitness Culture Is Affecting Breast Augmentation

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Two women exercising on a treadmillCultural shifts and societal trends determine patterns of behavior. For years, our focus on enhancing appearances led more and more women to get breast implants. Now, our cultural obsession with fitness is having the opposite effect. Increasing numbers of women are choosing to have their breast implants downsized or removed, or they are avoiding breast augmentation in the first place.

Breast Implants and Physical Fitness

Breast implants can have a profound effect on a woman’s experience while exercising. Some women who take up running discover that their breasts are so heavy that they bounce uncomfortably during the activity, making it an unpleasant or even painful experience. Strength training can be difficult, as certain upper body moves or exercises may not be possible with larger implants. Larger breasts can limit maneuverability, cause discomfort or pain, affect breathing, and reduce the quality and speed of many types of exercises. Larger breast implants can shift your center of gravity and exert more force on your spine, which creates additional issues for fitness-minded individuals.

Changing Body Ideals

Our cultural interest in fitness is accompanied by changing body ideals. There is a growing trend toward embracing the natural appearance, which has affected everything from makeup choices to hairstyles to breast augmentation. Today’s athletic women are less inclined to want the “fake” look of breast implants on their bodies. Instead of the round, prominent bustline that was so desirable in previous years, more women are interested in keeping their natural shape and softness. Society is celebrating a wider diversity of body types, which helps women feel freer to accept their natural appearance.

Breast Implant Removal or Downsizing

Women who wish to embrace the fitness culture and changing body ideals may downsize or remove their breast implants. Breast revision surgery can exchange larger implants for smaller ones to restore a more natural appearance. Dr. Schlechter can also perform implant explantation with breast revision surgery. With this approach, Dr. Schlechter will completely and permanently remove the implants to recreate a natural appearance. Depending on how long a woman has had her breast implants, various techniques (such as a breast lift with tissue removal) may be employed to produce optimal results.

Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation

While some women are downsizing or removing their implants, many others desire breast augmentation while maintaining a natural look. Breast augmentation with fat transfer can provide a subtle boost in breast size for women who desire breast enhancement without getting implants. For this procedure, Dr. Schlechter will extract fat via liposuction from another area of the body and then inject it into the breasts. This technique provides a natural enhancement with results that are more compatible with current cultural trends.

Neck Lift Options: Which One Do You Need?

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Neck rejuvenation can be performed using various techniques. If your neck has excess fat, muscle banding, sagging skin, wrinkles, or all of the above, one of the following techniques can help you achieve a more youthful look. With the appropriate technique selected for your needs, your neck lift will create a more toned, defined, youthful, and slender neck appearance.

Neck Lift Before and After Photos

Option 1: Traditional Neck Lift Surgery

A traditional neck lift is a surgical procedure that can be performed alone or in combination with a facelift. The surgeon places incisions under the chin and/or behind the ears. During the procedure, the surgeon tightens or repositions the muscles, removes excess skin and fat, and tightens the skin.

This procedure is appropriate for individuals who have neck muscle banding, sagging skin, excess fat, and moderate to severe wrinkles. Patients who have most or all of these symptoms of neck aging will likely benefit more from traditional neck lift surgery as opposed to other neck lift techniques.

Option 2: Liposuction

Liposuction of the neck is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from the neck. The surgeon places one or more tiny incisions in the neck and inserts a thin, hollow tube. Excess fat is suctioned out through the tube to trim down the neckline.

This procedure is appropriate for individuals whose primary complaint is a double chin or hanging fat in the neck. Patients who have additional aging indicators may combine neck liposuction with another neck lift technique for further rejuvenation.

Option 3: BOTOX® Cosmetic Injections

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a protein neurotoxin that can be used to minimize wrinkles. The surgeon can inject BOTOX® Cosmetic directly into the neck muscles to relax them so that they appear smoother and more natural. This will soften the appearance of the neck, eliminate a “turkey wattle,” and smooth away wrinkles.

This procedure is appropriate for individuals with neck muscle banding, excess neck wrinkles, and/or a “turkey wattle.” BOTOX® Cosmetic is a temporary solution that requires re-injection approximately every few months to maintain the results.

Option 4: PrecisionTx™

PrecisionTx™ is a minimally invasive neck lift procedure that can tighten sagging skin and remove excess fat. The procedure can produce results comparable to those of a traditional neck lift but without major surgery, scarring, or a lengthy recovery. The surgeon makes three small incisions and inserts a thin, hollow tube with a fiber optic cable. This causes the tissues to heat, melting the fat for easy extraction and stimulating collagen production to tighten the skin. After PrecisionTx™, results are seen immediately and improve over the next six months.

This procedure is appropriate for individuals with minimally sagging skin, excess fat, and wrinkles in the neck area. It is especially suited for those who prefer a minimally invasive procedure or who are not candidates for traditional neck lift surgery.  

The Best Neck Lift Technique for You

These descriptions may have given you a better idea of what techniques you should consider for your neck lift. Ultimately, the best neck lift technique for you will be decided during your consultation, as Dr. Schlechter will be able to identify which treatment is most appropriate based on all relevant factors. Even if you are considering a traditional neck lift, but you do not qualify for the procedure, you may still achieve desirable results with PrecisionTx™ or other neck lift techniques. Dr. Schlechter will help you determine the ideal treatment with your best interests in mind. With his help, you can recapture a more attractive and youthful neck.

Our Location

Benjamin Schlechter M.D.
2603 Keiser Blvd Suite 207
Wyomissing PA 19610
(610) 678-9200

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