
Fat Transfer for Facial Rejuvenation

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Did you know that facial volume loss can make you look older even if you don’t have many wrinkles? While fine lines and wrinkles can add years to a person’s appearance, volume loss in the cheeks and around the eyes creates a gauntness that can even more noticeably expose an aging face. In contrast, a youthful face has smooth skin along with defined contours and full cheeks. Fat transfer is a unique facial rejuvenation procedure that reverses volume loss and restores the soft facial contours associated with youth and beauty.

Fat Transfer - Lips Before and After Photos

Why Fat Transfer?

The fat transfer procedure harvests excess fat from another area of your body and then injects it into the face. Contrary to the general perception that fat is the enemy, facial fat is an essential part of a youthful appearance. Children’s faces often have chubby cheeks, and even through the teen years, there is a natural roundness that depicts a youthful quality in the face. The gradual depletion of volume over time leads to a progressively aged appearance. Using fat to restore lost facial volume allows you to recapture the softness and definition of your youth.

The Fat Transfer Procedure

To harvest the fat that is to be transferred to the face, Dr. Schlechter performs liposuction on another area of the body that has excess or stubborn fat, such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs. Dr. Schlechter uses the revolutionary AquaShape® system for the liposuction portion of the fat transfer procedure. This technology uses a water-jet to gently separate the fat cells from the surrounding tissues, which improves the survival rate of the harvested fat cells and allows more fat to be extracted. Once removed, the fat cells are processed, purified, and strategically reinjected into specific areas of the face to enhance facial definition and vitality.

Areas of Focus

Fat transfer to the face can rejuvenate thinning areas of volume loss, including the following:

  • Hollows under the eyes
  • Flat, poorly defined cheeks
  • Volume loss in the temples
  • Nasolabial folds (creases around the mouth and nose)
  • Thin or thinning lips

With the addition of new fat, these areas will have more volume and will look more vibrant, full, and youthful.

Expected Results

Patients that undergo fat transfer for facial rejuvenation can expect long-lasting results. Because Dr. Schlechter utilizes the AquaShape® method of liposuction, the fat that is injected into the face has a greater likelihood of survival. This means that unlike other fat transfer techniques (for which the fat has an unpredictable and relatively low survival rate), the results are more predictable and maintainable.

Because the body will absorb some of the injected fat cells, multiple sessions may be needed to achieve the desired results. Within a few months after the treatment, the final results will be visible and permanent. Patients can also enjoy the benefits of fat removal at the harvest site because it slenderizes the body in addition to refreshing the face.

Fat transfer can rejuvenate an aging face, restore soft contours, and recapture youthful definition and fullness. Dr. Schlechter also performs fat transfer procedures for breast augmentation, buttock enhancement, and other purposes.

To learn more about how the fat transfer procedure can rejuvenate your appearance, request your complimentary consultation with Benjamin Schlechter, MD, FACS. Please call us at (610) 678-9200 or at your earliest convenience to schedule your appointment.

When Is Breast Reduction Recommended?

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Most plastic surgery procedures have primarily aesthetic benefits. As they enhance the appearance, they are often accompanied by additional benefits such as improved self-confidence and quality of life. However, there is one procedure that may be recommended for reasons other than aesthetics. This procedure is breast reduction, and it is often recommended for patients with the following needs. With its incredibly high patient satisfaction rate, breast reduction can greatly improve quality of life as well as your appearance.

Breast Reduction Before and After Photos

Reasons to Consider Breast Reduction

Breast reduction may be recommended for you if your oversized breasts are responsible for the following:

Chronic Pain or Irritation

If your breasts are unusually large, they may contribute to shoulder pain, back pain, neck pain, and headaches. These aches may be chronic and may worsen each day as the time passes. Excess breast tissue can also lead to skin irritation or even rashes beneath the breasts because the breast skin rubs against the skin of the upper abdomen. Overtaxed bra straps can leave grooves in the shoulders that can also be irritated or painful.

Shortness of Breath

The weight of oversized breasts can feel especially burdensome on the lungs. The pressure of the breasts on the lungs can lead to shortness of breath. Some women that struggle to find a sufficiently supportive bra may wear bras that are too small, which can further constrict the lungs. Shortness of breath can be compounded for women that also have asthma or other respiratory issues.

Premature Sagging

Overly large breasts tend to sag more quickly than smaller breasts. Gravity pulls the heavy weight of the breasts downward, leading to premature sagging. Even with a good bra, premature sagging can be difficult to disguise and can create the impression that you are older than you are.

Can’t Find Clothing That Fits

Women who have large breasts may constantly struggle when shopping for clothing. It is not uncommon to see that clothing either does not fit at all, or it fits in the bust but not anywhere else on the body. Because most clothing styles are made to fit a particular body type, and also because few clothing items are made to fit women with large breasts, this can severely limit clothing options.  

Difficult or Painful Exercise

Exercise is supposed to challenge the body and make it stronger, but not at the expense of your breasts. Heavy, oversized breasts can make exercise both challenging and painful. Some women may experience excruciating pain due to bouncing when attempting high-impact activities such as running. It is also common to be restricted and less mobile due to the obstacles that large breasts can be. More than one professional athlete has undergone breast reduction surgery and has been able to improve comfort, mobility, speed, and confidence as a result.

Psychological or Emotional Distress

Having oversized breasts can also lead to psychological or emotional distress. Amid dealing with chronic pain, discomfort, and other effects, women may attract unwelcome attention. This can result in emotional distress and psychological trauma, which may further impact the quality of life.

Poor Self-Esteem

Feeling confident in one’s own skin can seem like a foreign idea to a person with body image issues. Women with disproportionately large breasts may feel trapped or caged by their appearance. They may feel that others only see one part of them and that they cannot love their bodies. This prevents affected women from developing a strong sense of self-esteem and confidence, which can lead to a downward spiral in quality of life and limit real-life successes.

How Breast Reduction Surgery Can Help

Breast reduction surgery can resolve all of these issues and more. Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Benjamin Schlechter will discuss your needs with you and determine the perfect technique to help you accomplish your goals. For the surgery, excess tissue will be removed from the breasts to make them a more comfortable and attractive size. After a short recovery period, you will be able to enjoy the lighter and more balanced look and feel of your breasts. Typically, women experience a variety of benefits as a result of breast reduction surgery, including a reduction or elimination of chronic pain, improvements in self-esteem and well-being, and even the freedom to adopt a more active lifestyle. An additional benefit is that since some of these issues are a genuine health problem, qualifying candidates can undergo a medically necessary breast reduction in which a portion or all of the procedure is covered by medical insurance.

If you experience one or more of these problems associated with having overly large breasts, breast reduction surgery could be right for you. To discuss your options, schedule your personal consultation with our expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Benjamin Schlechter. Call (610) 678-9200 or contact us online to request your complimentary consultation today.

All About Tummy Tuck Scars

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Abdominoplasty offers a glorious promise: after just one procedure, patients can have a youthfully slim, firm, and flat abdominal contour. However, while this pledge is genuine, recapturing this figure is not an easy task, nor without sacrifice. In addition to the time required for recovery, patients will have to trade in their abdominal flab, stubborn fat, sagging skin, and stretch marks for a permanent horizontal scar. This tummy tuck scar, while a necessary part of the procedure, is considered a small price to pay for the significant improvements in waist contour and tone.
Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos

Traditional vs. Mini Tummy Tuck Scars

Your surgical technique will determine the length of the scar you should expect after tummy tuck surgery. Patients who undergo a traditional tummy tuck should expect a longer scar than patients who undergo a mini tummy tuck. For a traditional (full) tummy tuck, a primary incision is placed in the lower abdomen, as low as possible, that reaches from hip bone to hip bone. A second incision is made around the navel. For a mini (partial) tummy tuck, there is only one shorter incision between the hip bones.

Tummy Tuck Scars Over Time

Scarring can vary significantly from patient to patient based primarily on individual healing abilities. Here is a generalized guideline of what tummy tuck scars may look like at various points:

  • Tummy tuck scars after surgery: The scar is generally thin and pink. The body immediately triggers a healing response to close the incision over the next few weeks.
  • Tummy tuck scars after one month: With the scar now closed, the increased collagen and blood supply have made the scar darker, thicker, and more noticeable. The appearance of the scar may worsen over the next few months.  
  • Tummy tuck scars after six months: The scar may still be red and raised, but should begin to lighten soon if it has not done so already. Some of the excess collagen will begin to break down, and the increased blood supply will diminish. As a result, the scar will slowly flatten and lighten.
  • Tummy tuck scars after one year: The scar may be fully mature and will be noticeably flatter, thinner, lighter, and less noticeable. It will continue to fade.
  • Tummy tuck scars after five years: The mature scar will have faded noticeably and may continue to fade somewhat over time.

Like all surgical scars, abdominoplasty scars will never go away completely, but most patients feel they are well worth the benefits of achieving the smooth and flat abdominal contour they desire. Dr. Schlechter places the incisions as discreetly as possible to minimize scarring so that you can enjoy the best results. Most tummy tuck scars are easily hidden under panties and swimsuits.

How to Minimize Tummy Tuck Scars

Dr. Schlechter strategically places tummy tuck incisions low between the hips so that most clothing can hide the scars. To help reduce the appearance of your scars, it is important to follow all of Dr. Schlechter’s post-operative instructions carefully. If you notice any signs of problematic scarring, contact Dr. Schlechter right away. Use silicone gel, cream, or sheets to care for your scars. Avoid sun exposure to the scar, keep it moisturized, and avoid irritating clothing or products. Following these tips to minimize your tummy tuck scars can improve their appearance and ensure that you have the greatest possible surgical results. Laser treatments to help suppress the scar are also available if necessary,

Dr. Benjamin Schlechter is a highly experienced plastic surgeon and can help you achieve a slender, contoured waistline with tummy tuck surgery. For more information about this procedure, request your complimentary consultation with Dr. Schlechter. Call (610) 678-9200 or contact us online today.

Anti-Aging, Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Medical-grade skincare products can provide incredible anti-aging, non-surgical facial rejuvenation. When combined with the TCA chemical peel and laser resurfacing, patients can have even better results and younger, healthier skin. These skincare treatments can be used with medical-grade skincare products to help individuals fight signs of aging and renew their skin.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Before and After Photo

TCA Chemical Peel

A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to treat the skin. The chemicals remove the damaged outer skin layers to make way for healthy, new skin to grow. A TCA chemical peel uses trichloroacetic acid, which classifies it as a medium-depth peel suitable for most skin types. This skin treatment begins with cleansing the skin and then applying the chemical f

or several minutes. The skin may burn and feel uncomfortable during the treatment, but pain relievers, oral sedatives, fans, and/or cold compresses can be used to relieve discomfort. Afterward, the skin may be covered with a protective ointment. The skin may take up to seven to 10 days to heal and will look and feel softer, clearer, and younger.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing uses laser energy to treat the skin. After administering the appropriate anesthetic, the skincare professional uses a small, handheld device to transmit laser energy to targeted areas of the skin. This laser energy removes the outer skin layer so that newer, healthier skin grows beneath it. It also heats and shrinks the dermis by stimulating collagen so that the skin tightens and renews itself. The treatment itself may take up to one and a half hours and is followed by the application of an antibiotic ointment. The skin may require seven to 10 days to heal and will have a slight pinkish or reddish hue for up to several months. The result of this treatment is healthier, more evenly toned, and more vibrant skin.

Combining Facial Rejuvenation Treatments With Medical-Grade Skincare Products

TCA chemical peels and laser skin rejuvenation can smooth out skin texture, soften acne scars, erase age spots, and eliminate other signs of aging, sun damage, and environmental damage. These remarkable benefits can be enhanced even more by choosing from our medical-grade skincare products at the Spa at Spring Ridge. We offer products from many top brands to provide you with solutions that can be customized for your needs.

Using the proper skincare products before and after your procedure can improve your results, further minimize imperfections, and restore a healthy, youthful, clear complexion. Some of our products that may be recommended in conjunction with your anti-aging treatments include ZO® Skin Health, Avène Skin Care Products, Obagi®, Environ®, SkinCeuticals®, and Glytone. These and many other medical-grade skincare products available at the Spa at Spring Ridge may be recommended to help you maximize the results of your TCA chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing, or other anti-aging skincare treatment.

Taking care of your skin begins with the right products and treatments. Medical skincare treatments and products can help you look your best and keep your skin as youthful and healthy as possible. To learn more, contact us online or by phone at (610) 678-9200 today. We look forward to helping you achieve your facial rejuvenation goals.

Breast Revision Case Studies

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Women seek breast revision surgery for a variety of reasons. Some want to switch from saline implants to silicone implants or go from a larger to a smaller size or vice versa. Others decide to have their implants removed and not replaced or their implants removed and their breasts lifted. In the event of a complication such as capsular contracture, which results in a misshapen, hard breasts from a build-up of thick scar tissue surrounding the implant. With saline implants, there is always the risk of deflation, which calls for revision surgery to replace the defective implant.

No matter the reason for revision surgery, Dr. Schlechter has encountered all of these situations during his 22-year career and has successfully corrected each of them. Below is a sampling of case studies of breast revision surgeries that Dr. Schlechter has performed.

Case One

Opting for Saline Implants then Switching to Larger Silicone Implants

This 43-year-old patient came to Dr. Schlechter for breast augmentation with saline implants.  She did not want to have too much projection, just a fuller look. She was adamant that she did not want silicone implants because she was afraid of having a foreign substance implanted in her body. We discussed the differences between the two types of implants and tried to reassure her of the safety of silicone. With Dr. Schlechter’s guidance, ultimately she chose 270cc saline implants. During the actual procedure, Dr. Schlechter overfilled the 270cc implants to 290cc.  Seeing that result and based on the patient’s concerns of not wanting too much projection, he removed 20cc so that the implants were the original 270cc.

Breast Revision Before and After Photo

Five months post op, this patient was completely unhappy with the size and feel of her saline implants and opted to have them removed and replaced with larger silicone implants. Dr. Schlechter removed the 270cc saline implants, adjusted the pockets to accommodate the high profile 350cc silicone implants. At two months post op, the patient was very pleased with the look and feel of the silicone implants.

Breast Revision After Photo

Case Two

Saline Implant Removal and Breast Lift

This 40-year-old patient had breast augmentation with 360cc saline implants overfilled to 390cc performed by another area plastic surgeon. She was completely disheartened by the appearance of her breasts and suffered buyer’s remorse. She did not want to go back to the original surgeon because she did not like his reaction to her when she complained about her augmentation. She chose to come to Dr. Schlechter because of his stellar reputation and years of experience. Dr. Schlechter advised having a breast lift done immediately after removal of her implants. At four months post op, the patient was thrilled with her results and has since returned for BOTOX® Cosmetic, fillers, and other surgical procedures.

Breast Revision Before and After Photos

Case Three

Capsular Contracture and Deflation of 19-Year-Old Saline Implant Removal with Breast Lift

This 40-year-old patient’s case is unique in that her left implant was deflated and she suffered grade 4 capsular contracture. She had moved to our area from the south, and it was not feasible for her to return to her original plastic surgeon for her revision. She consulted with multiple plastic surgeons in our area and chose to come to Dr. Schlechter for her revision surgery. She needed the implants and capsules removed along with a breast lift but was unsure if she wanted to replace the implants. Since her implants were saline, she asked if Dr. Schlechter would deflate her implants to see how much natural breast tissue she had. Depending on that, she would decide whether or not to have her breasts re-augmented. Once her implants were completely deflated, she decided that she had enough breast tissue and opted for just the breast lift after the implant and capsule removal. At two months post op, she was really glad she opted for just the lift and not to have her breasts re-augmented.

Breast Revision Before and After Photos

Case Four

Capsular Contracture and Malposition of 450cc Silicone Implant Removal and Reaugmentation with 700cc Silicone Implants

This 27-year-old patient was very upset by the hardening of her breast and how her implant had moved so much. She told us that she was confiding in her college friend about her situation. Her friend, a patient of Dr. Schlechter’s, suggested that she make to drive from northern Pennsylvania to meet with Dr. Schlechter and he could revise her situation. The patient explained that not only did she need her implants removed, but that she also wanted a dramatic increase the size of her breasts. Dr. Schlechter removed her implants and the capsules and restructured the pockets to accommodate for the much larger sized implants. At one-month post op, she was in love with her new look.

Breast Revision Before and After Photo

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Benjamin Schlechter frequently performs breast revision surgery to help his patients reach their aesthetic goals. To schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Schlechter, call us at (610) 624-7240 or fill out our online contact form today.

Rhinoplasty Recovery Guideline

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

The recovery after any major surgery is usually a cause for concern among patients. People prefer to know what to expect so that they can be prepared for it. The rhinoplasty recovery experience is based on patient health, ability to heal, surgical technique, and the surgeon. While there is some variability, the following guideline will help you understand what to expect during your recovery after rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Before and After Pictures

How Surgical Technique Affects the Recovery

The surgical technique during a rhinoplasty is a critical influencing factor for recovery. For example, an open rhinoplasty, which usually makes more adjustments to the nasal tissues than a closed rhinoplasty, may result in more postoperative swelling or a longer recovery. Patients who require the breaking of nasal bones, significant tip work, and/or extensive tissue dissection or elevation may also expect a longer recovery with increased swelling, soreness, and bruising. Surprisingly, rhinoplasty surgery is typically minimally to non-painful. Knowing as much as possible about the details of the surgical technique that your surgeon will use during your rhinoplasty will help you better prepare for your recovery.

What to Expect During Recovery

Splint and Packing

Immediately after rhinoplasty, a splint will be applied to help your nose maintain its new shape through the healing process. Soft splints or nasal packing may also be placed inside the nose to stabilize the internal nasal structures. Nasal packing, if inserted, is removed within a few days after surgery.


A dull headache or aching in the nose can be common for the first few days after the procedure. Pain is not usually significant, and most patients only need pain medications for a day or two (if at all). Severe pain is rare; should you feel severe pain, consult your surgeon right away as you may have an infection or other concern that needs immediate attention.


A feeling of puffiness or congestion can persist for the first few days after surgery. This puffiness is caused by swelling inside the nose and will temporarily inhibit your sense of smell. Noticeable nasal congestion may persist for several weeks, but it should begin to ease within a few days after the procedure.


After rhinoplasty, your nose may feel slightly numb, especially in the tip. Certain facial expressions may feel strange or unusual, but this is only temporary. As the numbness wears off over the following weeks and months, your nose will begin to feel normal again.

Nasal Breathing

If you underwent correction of a deviated septum as a part of your rhinoplasty surgery, you might notice an improvement in nasal breathing shortly after the procedure. As the swelling subsides, this will improve even more noticeably. Patients who did not have major breathing difficulties before the procedure may be more bothered by the initial congestion. As congestion subsides, you will be able to breathe more clearly through your nose.


Bruising is also common during the first week of recovery after rhinoplasty. These bruises may spread across your cheeks. The degree of bruising can vary but is usually minor to moderate. Some of the factors that influence bruising include surgical technique, age, medications, skin thickness, and bleeding disorders. You can minimize postoperative bruising by avoiding blood thinners (such as ibuprofen or aspirin) for at least two weeks before surgery and continuing to avoid them until your surgeon has indicated that it is safe to use them again. Bruising will be mostly gone by one week after the surgery.


You should expect to experience swelling after your rhinoplasty. Postoperative swelling will temporarily affect your comfort level and congestion and may cause your upper lip to feel stiff for a few weeks. Much of the swelling will go away within three weeks after the surgery and will continue to subside. By six weeks after surgery, the majority of swelling will dissipate, but minor swelling can take up to a year to fully resolve.

Things to Do

Be sure to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions during your recovery. Take all medications as instructed, and keep your head elevated after your surgery to reduce congestion and swelling. Use cool compresses for the first two days to reduce swelling and bruising. Use a saline spray as instructed by your surgeon to help with any dryness or nasal crusting. Get lots of rest, eat well, and engage in light activities such as walking to promote healthy healing.

Things to Avoid

During the first few weeks after your rhinoplasty, take care to avoid excessively dry environments. You may need to use a humidifier if you live in a dry climate. Avoid nasal irritants and allergens. It is also important to avoid blowing your nose after rhinoplasty until your surgeon has given you permission to do so. Bending over is not recommended for at least three weeks, as this can increase swelling and aching. Avoid exercise for the allotted timeline of four to six weeks, and avoid activities that will be likely to injure or damage your nose. All the same, there is no need to be overly cautious and avoid touching your nose entirely.

Rhinoplasty Timelines

The first few days are the toughest after rhinoplasty. By day three or four after surgery, you will likely be feeling on the mend. You may be able to return to work within a week after your surgery, at which point you will likely feel more socially presentable. You can apply facial makeup at this point. After two weeks, most people will not be able to immediately tell that you underwent nose surgery.

Limit your physical activity for a full four to six weeks. If you have any major social events such as a wedding in the future, schedule your rhinoplasty at least a few months beforehand to allow plenty of time for healing and for swelling to subside. Lastly, remember that internal swelling may take up to a full year to resolve, at which point you can finally celebrate your complete rhinoplasty results.

Rhinoplasty can enhance facial harmony and improve the appearance of the nose. If you have any more questions about rhinoplasty recovery, contact Dr. Benjamin Schlechter for a complimentary, personal consultation. To request your appointment, please call (610) 678-9200 or contact us online today.

Be Choosy When Choosing Your Facelift Surgeon

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

If there’s ever a time to be “choosy,” it’s when you are selecting a surgeon to perform your facelift. The wrong choice could lead to disastrous consequences while the right choice could mean working with a surgeon who understands your goals and gives you even better results than you dreamed. Here are some tips for selecting a good surgeon that can give you a facelift with beautiful, natural-looking results.

Facelift Before and After Photos

What to Look For In a Facelift Surgeon

Board Certification in Plastic Surgery

Becoming certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) requires the surgeon to go above and beyond in the field of plastic surgery. A board-certified plastic surgeon has completed the required education and training in a specialty of medicine that is beyond the minimum requirements for obtaining a medical license. Additionally, the surgeon has passed specific examinations in the specialty of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeons demonstrate extensive knowledge, training, and expertise in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Membership in ASPS and ASAPS

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) have rigorous standards for their member surgeons. These requirements include board certification in plastic and reconstructive surgery, continuing education, comprehensive exams, performing surgery only in accredited facilities, and more. A facelift surgeon you can trust will be a member of these organizations.

Years of Experience

“Practice makes perfect” is not an empty phrase. Experience is the best teacher and provides many different circumstances in which to work so that the surgeon is ready for anything he may encounter. If a problem occurs during the procedure, an experienced surgeon will be better prepared to identify the situation quickly and navigate around it safely. Choosing a plastic surgeon with years of experience performing facelifts is definitely something you should consider when choosing your facelift surgeon.

Forward Thinking Strategies

Forward-thinking surgeons choose to learn about and use the best techniques, technologies, and supplies available. For example, the most forward-thinking facelift surgeons are not using drains but are using TISSEEL fibrin sealant to reduce bleeding and drainage. A surgeon that is using the latest technologies and techniques can usually provide the safest and best experience.

Other Important Points

Once you’ve narrowed your options, be sure to have a list of questions to ask your surgeon during your consultation. You should feel completely satisfied and comfortable with the surgeon’s answers to your questions and how the surgeon responds to you. Look at as many of the surgeon’s before and after photos as possible because these will give you a visual indicator of the quality of the surgeon’s results. Look carefully at how the skin pulls, how clean and inconspicuous the scars look, etc.

The best facelift surgeon will also recommend whether complete facial rejuvenation would be better accomplished with additional procedures as well. Yours may recommend combining your facelift with an eyelid liftbrow lift, and/or laser resurfacing around the mouth and under the eyes. The most natural facelift results are achieved with an experienced and skilled surgeon who understands precisely what your individual needs are and how to help you.

Benjamin Schlechter, MD, FACS, is a forward-thinking, board-certified plastic surgeon who meets all the above criteria and more. With more than 20 years of experience and memberships in the ASPS and ASAPS, Dr. Schlechter is well prepared to answer your questions and perform your facelift to your complete satisfaction. To schedule your complimentary consultation, please call (610) 678-9200 or contact us online today.

Dr. Schlechter’s New Features in NewBeauty

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

NewBeauty Magazine CoverDr. Benjamin Schlechter is once again being featured in NewBeauty magazine. NewBeauty has a reputation for inspiring the public and helping them find beauty secrets, must-have products, and experts to work with in plastic surgery, dermatology, and cosmetic dentistry.

Their feature on Dr. Schlechter highlights his expertise as an esteemed plastic surgeon as well as the great lengths he goes to for the safety, comfort, and care his patients need. By providing patients with “the most cutting-edge technology and surgical techniques and […] sophisticated care,” Dr. Schlechter says, “I have made my dream a reality.” To learn more about Dr. Schlechter and how he can help you achieve your beauty ideals, check out his feature in the January issue of NewBeauty magazine.

Article in NewBeauty Magazine Featuring Dr. Schlechter

In addition to his feature in the January issue of NewBeauty, Dr. Schlechter is also quoted in several articles published on In an article published on December 23, 2016 titled How Many Times Do You Really Need to Get a Breast Augmentation?, Dr. Schlechter gives his insider tips and expert opinion about breast augmentation revision. In this article, Dr. Schlechter states that “refreshing” your breast implants every ten years is often not necessary, especially if the patient is happy with her results.

An article published on February 6, 2017 on titled 8 Doctors Reveal the Best Retinols to Buy features Dr. Schlechter’s recommendation. Dr. Schlechter recommends ZO Skin Health Growth Factor Serum because it can encourage healthy skin cell renewal and increase collagen production in addition while promoting even cell-by-cell exfoliation with retinol. Dr. Schlechter is happy to offer his expertise and professional beauty tips to help you rejuvenate your appearance.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Benjamin Schlechter frequently performs breast augmentation, facelift surgery, and a wide variety of other surgical and non-surgical procedures to help patients reach their aesthetic goals. To schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Schlechter, call us at 610-678-9200 or fill out our online contact form today.

Common Reasons for Breast Revision

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Even the safest surgical procedures are not without risk. While there are ways to avoid plastic surgery mishaps, procedures such as breast augmentation can lead to complications or dissatisfying results that require revisionary surgery.

If you experience the following complications or issues after your breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Schlechter can expertly perform breast revision to eliminate your concerns and improve your results.

Breast Revision Surgery Before and After Photos

Surgical Complications

While rare, surgical complications may unexpectedly occur after breast augmentation. Complications with breast implants are not uncommon despite the procedure being performed properly, but they can nonetheless occur with varying degrees of risk for any woman with breast implants.

Common complications that require breast revision surgery include:

  • Capsular Contracture: The scar tissue constricts around the implant, causing the breast to become unnaturally firm, cold, and painful.
  • Bottoming Out: The implant slips below the breast crease, causing the upper portion of the breast to collapse and the nipple to point upward.
  • Double Bubble Deformity: The implant is pushed upward so that the breast tissue sags beneath it, or the implant slips downward so that the breast tissue appears to sit on top of it. Either situation leads to the appearance of two bubbles.
  • Rupture or Deflation: The implant shell tears, causing the filling to spill out into the breast pocket. Implant rupture or deflation is usually noticeable with saline implants but may only be detected by an MRI in the case of silicone implants.
  • Synmastia: The implant shifts toward the center, creating a “uniboob.” This issue is quite rare and is usually caused by poor technique on the part of the original surgeon.
  • Implant Malposition or Shift: The implant is vertically or laterally displaced because it has shifted within the pocket. This complication usually produces noticeable breast asymmetry with an unnatural appearance or position of one or both breasts.
  • Implant Rotation: An anatomical implant rotates within the breast pocket, creating an unnatural breast shape.

Some of these issues may compound, leading to an even greater need for surgical correction. Dr. Schlechter can correct each of these issues with breast revision surgery. The technique used for your breast revision may involve adjustment of the breast tissue and breast pocket, removal of scar tissue, and/or replacement of the implant(s).

Dr. Schlechter is known for having a remarkably low rate of capsular contracture (less than one percent in contrast to the national average of 15 percent), and he can significantly reduce your risk of recurrent complications.

Other Reasons for Breast Revision

Other reasons for breast revision are primarily elective and may include:

  • Size Change: The implants may be exchanged for smaller or larger ones according to the patient’s preference. Implant size change may be desired shortly after surgery or many years afterward.
  • Implant Type Change: The implants may be exchanged for implants of a different material or type according to the patient’s preference.
  • Implant Removal: If desired, the implants may be permanently removed.

Adjustment of the breast pocket and breast tissue as well as accompanying breast lift surgery may be needed if breast revision is performed for these reasons. Unlike with surgical complications, breast revision surgery is not technically necessary unless the woman is unhappy with her results.

If you would like to improve your results after breast augmentation, Dr. Schlechter can perform breast revision surgery to help you achieve the results you desire.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Benjamin Schlechter, MD, FACS has over 28 years of experience in plastic surgery. If you are interested in breast revision surgery, Dr. Schlechter can help. To schedule your complimentary consultation, call (610) 678-9200 or contact us online today.

Advances in Breast Implant Technology

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Natrelle®Breast Implant technology has improved immensely over the past few years. Recently, Allergan’s Natrelle® implants have been FDA approved with highly cohesive gel, which is the same silicone gel as in the Natrelle® 410 shaped implants that have been available for a few years. The Natrelle INSPIRA® line of implants has 30 percent more gel fill, which reduces the risk of rippling and also provides for potentially better projection of the implant.

Mentor® MemoryShape® Breast ImplantsMentor®’s silicone gel implants are made in the United States at their plant in Texas, and the MemoryShape® Breast Implants have a cohesive gel fill that is quite natural filling. The use of shaped implants has gained popularity for primary breast augmentation. Implants now come in literally hundreds of sizes and shapes, which allows Dr. Schlechter to better tailor the implant to the patient and results in more accurately achieving the result the patient desires.

Saline implants continue to be available. The drawback with traditional saline implants is that the implants have a scalloped edge that can be noticeable at the side of the chest where the tissue is the thinnest over the implant. Saline implants also have an increased tendency for visible rippling, particularly in women who have smaller breasts and less soft tissue coverage of the implants.

Breast Augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed. To find out more about breast augmentation surgery, contact Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Benjamin Schlechter. Call us today at (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online consultation form.

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Benjamin Schlechter M.D.
2603 Keiser Blvd Suite 207
Wyomissing PA 19610
(610) 678-9200

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